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Transfiguration Now

Dr. Wilson’s tenure has seen changing demographics in both the Village of Freeport and the makeup of the parish. His contributions  have included a widening reach beyond the Village and the Diocese, from two established missions targeting orphans  in  Uganda,  to a drama  group, the Utopian  Dramatists,  which  has  played  throughout  Brooklyn,  Queens,  and  the  rest of  Long Island.

The church has been active in the community, having hosted a soup kitchen; cooked for the Interfaith Nutritional Network; reestablished the thrift shop and at one time a gift and book shop. The now closed Transfiguration Parish Day school provided quality education for generations of children in the neighborhood, and our premises served as post-Storm Sandy housing for Southern Baptist volunteers who helped rebuild South Shore Long Island villages.

We’re a close-knit parish family of some 200 members with a diverse membership from many countries, continents, and regions. Our Wardens, Vestry, Lay Ministers and parishioners are committed and passionate in their faith. Our various parish organizations and ministries maintain our physical plant as well as our spiritual well-being. We are faithful stewards giving of our time, talent and treasure to serve our church and our community.

Our 125th Anniversary reflects the faithfulness, kindness and generosity of past and current members of The Church of the Transfiguration of Freeport, NY.

Part of Congregation
Palm Sunday 1992 
100th year
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