Church of the Transfiguration of Freeport
S. Long Beach Avenue & Pine Street Freeport, New York 11520
Rev. Dr. Raymond G. Wilson, Rector

Prayer - Forward Day by Day
Forward Day by Day : https://www.forwardmovement.org
Daily Prayer: Http://prayer.forwardmovement.org/

Seasoned Seniors
The Seasoned Seniors meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month in the Common Room. The meeting starts immediately after the Wednesday Noon Eucharist.
Two of the highlights of the year are: the Annual Seasoned Seniors Christmas Luncheon and the Annual BBQ at Freeport Waterfront Park
Christmas Luncheon will be held at Pompei Restaurant
Weds Dec 13th.
Tickets are $30. See Brenda Lawrence
Sunday School
Mrs. Rita Ann Griffith is the Sunday School Superintendent. Sunday School is held at 9:00am in the Common Room
Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee plans, cooks & coordinates the Feast served for Fellowship Hour after 10am service and for special events, receptions (Baptism & Repass) Mrs. Valerie Chung and Mrs. Nita Holligan head up the Fellowship Committee.
Men's Guild
The Men's Guild is currently conducting the AIDS LOCAL
MISSION PROJECT. They request that you Donate CANNED, BOXED, and/or NON-PERISHABLE FOODS DURING THE WEEK OR ON SUNDAY to be delivered on the 15th of each month, to the AIDS MISSION HEADQUARTERS OF LONG ISLAND
Utopian Dramatists
The Church of the Transfiguration
Please Watch for Information on our next Production!
Community Service
St Stephen's Guild cooks monthly for the Freeport Inn, a community soup kitchen. The Group convenes in the Parish Hall Kitchen on the Monday before the first Wednesday of the Month.